Friday, November 16, 2007

Oyster Riot!

So tonight my wife and I will be going to the Oyster Riot at Old Ebbitt Grill. The Riot feature 20 varieties of oyster paired with wines. Being a Riot, it is all the oysters you can eat. A couple of economics lessons along the way.

1. The Oyster riot is a popular event, so popular tickets sold out in about 45 minutes. I purchased tickets on Craigslist for substantially more than the face value. I'm sure my wife values the tickets more than we paid, and since I offered more then other bidders through Craigslist I (we) value it more. I'm therefore still in favor of ticket reselling.

2. When purchasing through Craigslist, it helps to have idea of who you are buying from. The person who sold it to me sent the e-mail from her work e-mail. Checking the website it turned out she was a CEO and had a background with a well known company.

3. At some point eating oysters will reach diminishing returns, I will be curious to see when that happens for my oyster loving wife.


1 comment:

poet~lover~rebel~spy said...

I keep waiting for an update on how many oysters you ate!